The Paint Problem

Deterioration caused by bricks being painted and then parged after

In the pursuit of home improvement, the desire to refresh the appearance of brickwork and the boom of house related content, often leads homeowners to consider painting. However, beneath the surface allure of a fresh coat of paint lies a potential array of issues when painting masonry in Canada , particularly concerning moisture and erosion.

Stone Mountain Restoration inc. advocates for an alternative approach โ€“ tinting โ€“ to preserve the integrity of your masonry while still achieving a customized look.

The Drawbacks of Painting Brickwork:

  1. Moisture Trapping: Painting brickwork seals the porous surface, obstructing its ability to breathe. While this may seem beneficial for protection, it can trap moisture within the bricks clay structure. Over time, this trapped moisture can lead to deterioration, efflorescence, and even mold growth.

  2. Erosion Issues: Brickwork is naturally durable, and its longevity is often attributed to the ability of the bricks to shed water and allow for proper drying. When painted, this natural process is disrupted, exposing the bricks to increased risk of erosion and spalling, especially in areas with frequent freeze-thaw cycles.

  3. Maintenance Challenges: Painted brick requires ongoing maintenance. As the paint ages and weathers, it can chip and peel, necessitating frequent repainting, sometimes within a year or two if there is already issues present. This not only becomes a time-consuming task but also adds to the overall cost of maintaining your home's exterior.

The Alternative: Tinting Masonry for a Lasting Solution:

  1. Preserving Breathability: Tinting, as opposed to painting, involves applying a translucent, natural color to the masonry surface. This allows the bricks inherit texture and breathability to remain intact, preventing moisture from being trapped within the structure.

  2. Enhancing Aesthetics without Sacrificing Durability: Tinted masonry provides an opportunity to customize the appearance of your home without compromising its structural integrity. The translucent nature of the tint allows the inherent beauty of the brick to shine through while adding a subtle hue to enhance curb appeal.

  3. Low-Maintenance Solution: Unlike painted surfaces, tinted masonry requires minimal maintenance. The color is absorbed into the brick rather than sitting on the surface, reducing the likelihood of chipping and peeling. This results in a long-lasting solution that preserves both the aesthetic and structural aspects of your home.

While the temptation to paint brickwork may be strong, it's crucial to consider the long-term consequences on the structural health of your masonry. Tinting provides a viable alternative, though more labor intensive up front, which can allow you to achieve a customized look without compromising the life of the masonry.


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